Secret Identity

**You can hear this sermon, along with an interview with radio host Peter Wallace, on the nationally-syndicated radio program “Day 1” at

Day 1

The abduction of Elizabeth Smart is well-known, as are many of the details of her story.  In mid-summer 2002, Elizabeth was kidnapped from her Salt Lake City bedroom under cover of darkness by Brian David Mitchell, a deranged, messianic drifter.  She was taken to his camp deep in the woods, where she was brutalized by Mitchell and his wife, Wanda Barzee.  For nine months, Elizabeth endured her captivity, until in March of 2003 she was recognized on a Salt Lake City street and freed.

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Whose Side Are We On?

**You can hear this sermon, along with an interview with radio host Peter Wallace, on the nationally-syndicated radio program “Day 1” at

Day 1

Julius Caesar knew that people wanted to kill him.  There were few men he could trust.  But one was a young man named Brutus, whom Caesar had treated practically as family.  And so when, on the Ides of March—that fateful day when the Theatre of Pompey became place of violence and blood—the mortally-wounded Caesar looked up as this very Brutus turned the knife in his side, Caesar lost the will to resist.  Shakespeare immortalizes Caesar’s final words as “Et tu, Brute?” meaning “You too, Brutus?”  But the ancient Roman historian Suetonius reports an even more wilting response.  According to Suetonius, Caesar looked upon his friend and asked plaintively, “You too, my child?”

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